Fast Track Project
RRP has developed a project execution format that is best suited for every client. RRP will select the project team based on the project scope. The RRP team will always be dedicated in searching for the best solution for its client.
RRP strategy is to always achieve a quality product through saving engineering hours and paying close attention to the project schedule and results in a quality product.
In order to achieve such high quality results in our projects we ensure that the following is practiced:
- Strategic Alliance
- Extensive Use of Vendor Engineering
- Standardized Designs
- Streamlined Execution Methods
Strategic Alliance
To ensure that RRP utilizes the most experienced and learned professionals in the industry whereby allowing them to be utilized in projects which require their input efficiently and effectively, RRP has developed a strategy whereby joining in an alliance with key companies specializing in a particular discipline.
This is a very competitive approach whereby allowing RRP to keep man hours and the overall cost down without comprising the highest level of technical know-how.
The strategy is simple – RRP has alliance with companies that are specialized in certain areas which are always a very small percentage of the overall engineering project. Instead of having these specific professionals on a full time basis charging to projects where their input is limited, RRP utilizes them optimally only when their services are required.
This is an overall complete win situation for the client where the highest level of expertise is used without any cost over runs and unnecessary charge outs.
Standardized Designs
RRP’s goal is to execute all projects with an equal degree of qualitative excellence regardless of the nature or volume of the project. RRP’s mandate is – Where every project matters.
Standardized designs are most effective when they are utilized in smaller projects since cost is a primary concern. As well, smaller projects tend to be very time sensitive. When you have standardized designs it will cut down on total man hours, eliminate errors and will allow the project to be completed at a faster rate than if it needed to be newly designed and engineered from the very start of the project.
Extensive Vendor Engineering
RRP uses vendor engineering to formulate a very strong team that comprises the strongest expertise that can be hailed as being one of the best teams of professionals in the oil & gas industry.
The advantage of having vendor engineering is foremost for any orders for equipment that is needed for project completion – RRP has and will always have the highest priority in deliverables of these products when ordered. This of course is a strong benefit for all of RRP clients since the wait time is very minimal and the exact equipment is always ordered with guarantees and warranties. This would not be possible without the strong relationship between RRP and its vendors. Further, through vendor engineering the final engineering product is far superior since there are no errors and no wastage of time.
This allows RRP clients to be running all its facilities sooner than the expected date – Allowing them to achieve their goals at a much faster rate.
Streamlined Execution Models
RRP prides itself in ensuring the safest workplace for all levels of project execution.
RRP incorporates a strict streamlined execution method by having every employee follow and practice all RRP Operating Procedures, Quality Control Program, Engineering Specifications and Risk Management protocols.
Safety is at the forefront for our design team as RRP specializes in very complex projects.
Our regulatory team strictly follows all government and international regulations and industry standards for all of our projects.
Recommended Project Team
RRP’s team has extensive field and operating experiences. Therefore, the project team incorporates their field experience in our designs to enhance operating excellence. RRP is acting as an agent on behalf of the client for executing purchase orders, facility and pipeline contracts, bid packages, change orders, and selection of vendors, facility and pipeline contractors as well as field inspectors. The client participates and approves the selection process.
RRP’s team has and always will act in the best interest of the client. RRP will select the project team based on the project scope. The RRP team will always be dedicated to search for the best solution for the client.